
Project 1 Assignment

_P1 Directions - Digital Research Project 1 – Digital Research Using Blogs and Collaboration to Share Key Concepts about Genre and Rhetoric Overview In this project, you’ll work together as a class to produce an online guide to genres.  You’ll each individually create a blog that defines key rhetorical terms, and then you’ll describe how those terms work in relation to the genre of your choice.  As a group, you’ll be providing feedback to your classmates, and then producing a visual guide (a road map) to the resources you’ve produced.  By the end of the project, you’ll each have a functional blog, and the class as a whole will have have produced an online guide to genre. The ultimate goal of this project is to help each of you become a subject matter expert in the genre of your choice.  This will prepare you for the  Project 2 Research Paper  by giving you extensive knowledge regarding your genre.  From there, you’ll have the necessary un...